Few Questions That You Must Ask Your Periodontist

As per the opinion of various researchers, more than 80% of the American adults suffer from gum disease and also more than 50% had their gum bleeding, which is a very common symptom of a disease called gingivitis.
A periodontist is a specialist who can prevent, diagnose and treat all such gum diseases. If your dentist ever refers you to any of such specialist, then make sure to check your insurance and ensure that you are covered for such treatment.
Thereafter you may schedule a visit to any Central Periodontics & Dental Implants specialist and ask him the following few questions:
What are the various educations that you have undergone?
To be a periodontist, one must spend 3 years on further education after completing their dental school course. Thereafter, they must also undergo practical training and after that they are provided license to practice.
How long are you in this profession?
Just having necessary educational qualification is not enough to be a capable periodontist, and it is therefore worthwhile to know since when the specialist is engaged in this profession and how many numbers of patients has the specialist treated so far.
How do you treat your patients having dental phobias?
It is important to know what type of relaxation techniques are applied by the specialist so that the patient may not feel much pain during the procedure. You must know the details about the sedation.
How much time is needed to get your appointment?
Often certain problem needs immediate treatment while few can be taken up as per mutual convenience. Therefore, it will be important to know whether you can get appointment as per your convenient timings.
Do you accept any insurance plan?
Few dental clinics offer no-interest type of financing plans, while many others demand up-front payment for their services.
Those having insurance must ensure the dentist is within your network and also check whether your insurer needs any referral from the regular dentist.
Can you show any before-and-after photos after your treatment?
If you are planning for cosmetic periodontal procedure done, then ask for before-and-after photos of his previous patients to ensure that the specialist has got better aesthetic sense.
How are you going to treat my condition?
You will surely be interested to know about your present condition from a specialist and learn about his treatment procedure for your case.
How long the whole treatment will take?
You must surely ask how much time will be needed to complete the whole procedure to resolve all your problems, so that you can prepare yourself accordingly.
Will the treatment be too painful?
Though, you have already asked about the sedations applied but still to satisfy your curiosity it will be good to know whether the procedure to be followed will be too painful or not.
When can I resume my normal duty after the treatment?
Last but not the least, it is important to know how much time will be needed to take rest after the treatment, so that you can take leave from your duty in order to undergo your treatment.